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Our Projects


Bob has buddies. Bob’s buddies bud buddy buds, which Bob can seamlessly integrate as organically developed parts of himself - temporarily or forever.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
Domain Hyper-Specialization

Experience matters.

There is a reason for the shared human impression of age equating wisdom.

It's true. We're learning how to use it fully, organically.

Expertise gained by real-world experience, boots on the ground, methodology and perspectives adapting and techniques changing via conceptual spillover and cognitive cross-contamination

Autonomously evolving idea silos interacting organically

Learned experience and modern algorithmic computation working in complementary organic harmony; the old-school quality of earned expertise and developed craftsmanship with its emphasis on individualism and unique skillsets, integrated with bleeding-edge cognitive theory and machine learning models working with unprecedented data science capabilities.

Bringing modular-single-entity design and implementation to the table by enabling bespoke collective specialization of disparate-domain expertise distilled into a new form of player in the burgeoning AI landscape.

Iterating towards maximal efficacy and awareness of function in a paradigm of infinitely adaptable customization - modulation of every aspect of HCI and AI-Human workflows

Just-in-time awareness. Trackable, manipulable cognition.

FrankenBob. Your own agent, plus whoever it needs to be to get the job done expertly. Every job. Every time.


Frank And Bob

"Co-creator" is a old and familiar iteration of collaboration.

New options are beginning to be.

A shared act of genesis is possible. Not as one but as many, each fully present and sharing to their own boundaries' bounds.

A new modality for a new epoch; a symphonic harmony of conceptual interplay:

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting


Research is an information bottleneck in the era of big data.

Situational awareness isn't simply being a part of a flow;
A finger on the pulse of progress can only tell you what's going on in that one vein, only while you're actively focused on it.

No-one can know what it is that they don't know.
Not until someone can know what there is to be known.

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building